Thursday, 26 January 2012

Concrete Circus

 This documentary is all about free running, skate boarding and biking it is based in all kinds of terrrain such as mountains, hills, flat ground, factories and many more.

its about a group of athletes, from all places like london, paris, wales and many more. they come together to produce a smashing movie with millions of views.

They are  a lot of camera shots like close ups, medium shots, extreme close up, long shots and many other to interest the audience with a lot of creativity.

They have a narrator who explains their background and life style as youths and how they started to develop their skill in the streets.

Movies, directors and interviews.

way back home= movie 12 milion views

danny mckaskill

hans rey
paul blue joseph

storm volume one= movie
mark skaterboarder
skate regeneration= movie

brett novak

style bicycle= movie

professor longhair= movie

stu thompson

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